Privacy Policy

Halfords is registered under the Data Protection Act. We are committed to protecting your privacy and have taken steps to explain this in full below. We use the information we collect to enhance and improve your experience of using our websites. We do not disclose your information to anyone outside of Halfords unless we receive your permission to do so. We explain here, for your reassurance, why we ask for information and how this information is likely to be used. You can then make informed choices about the information you provide on the Halfords websites.

1. Halfords Commitment

Halfords is registered under the Data Protection Act so we are committed to protecting your privacy online. We use the data we collect to enhance and improve your experience of using our websites. We only disclose information to any third parties if:

  1. We have your express permission to do so where such information is personal, or
  2. It is in connection with the transfer of all or substantially all of Halfords assets or stock by way of merger, acquisition, reorganisation or otherwise, or
  3. It is in connection with our use of Cookies as explained in paragraph 4 below

By using this website generally you agree to this use.

2. Use of your personal information

We may use the information collected about you during your visit to:

  1. Enable us to communicate with you about your reservation by email, telephone or SMS.
  2. Provide you with tailored marketing information and customer services.
  3. Tell you about products and services we think you’ll like
  4. Administer any prize draws or competitions you may enter
  5. Learn about how you use our websites and identify how we can make improvements

We aim to keep our contact with you to an acceptable level. You will only ever receive information from Halfords unless you have given us your permission to pass on your details to external 3rd parties.

3. If you do not wish to receive information from Halfords

When you register or transact with either on our website or through a competition or other option, you will be asked to tick a box if you:

  1. Wish to receive information on the latest Halfords promotions and special offers
  2. Are happy to be contacted by Halfords for research purposes
  3. Are happy to be contacted by other reputable companies with related offers

We never disclose your information to anyone outside of Halfords unless you give us your permission to do so. If at any time you no longer wish to receive information from us, please email us at

4. Cookies

The Halfords websites make use of cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information that are sent from our website to the cookie file of the browser on your computers hard disk. We use cookies to:

  1. Allow you to carry information across pages of our website and avoid having to re-enter information when you return to the site. For example, this will help to simplify the logging on procedure for previously registered users.
  2. Monitor our website traffic and analyse how our website works. This will allow us to make changes to the website in the future and make it easier to use.

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings of your browser. The majority of browsers will allow the user to alter the settings used for cookies. The help menu on your browser will have further details. Please remember that turning off cookies will restrict your access on Halfords websites.

If you have your browser set to disable cookies then you will not be able to access many parts of Halfords websites or complete a transaction using our online checkout. If your browser is set to prompt you when cookies are being used, you will have to answer ‘yes’ when prompted to gain full access.

We use Coremetrics Web Analytics to anonymously collect data about your visits to our website which we use to improve how our website works. If you do not want this data about your visits to be collected you can Opt Out.

5. Subject Access Notice

Under the Data Protection Act you are entitled to a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of your information please write to the address below for an application form. Please note there may be a charge for this service as permitted under the act.

e-commerce Data Protection
Halfords Ltd
Icknield Street Drive
B98 0DE

6. Accessibility

At Halfords we are committed to making our web information and services accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities or visual impairments. With this in mind we constantly strive to make as accessible as possible to our customers.

This website has been developed to meet Level One recommendations made by W3C Website Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Guidelines, which complies with current UK legislation, including the Disability Discrimination Act (1995)

We intend to continue improving our accessibility so if you have difficulty accessing this site and require further help, or if you have any suggestions to help improve our accessibility, please contact us.